What We Believe
We believe
... there is only one God
- who created everything, controls everything, cares for everything
- who shows us He exists through nature and conscience
- who tells us about Himself in the Bible
- who has revealed Himself as three distinct persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- who is the only True God among the gods of all religions
... there is only one reliable source of information
- the Bible is unique
- the Bible tells us all we need to know about God
- the Bible tells us human existence is no accident
- the Bible tells us God wants to be with us now and forever
- the Bible tells us that to live with God forever we need to be perfect, sinless
... there is only one true faith
- life with God is only possible by His grace because no one is perfect
- Jesus Christ is true God and true man,
- who lived a perfect life for us
- who suffered and died on the cross for us
- who rose from the dead and provided the only way for us to have life with God forever
- all who admit their sinfulness and believe in Jesus as their one and only Saviour are counted holy in God's eyes and receive eternal life
- therefore, we want to lead a God-pleasing life